Our vision arises from our understanding of what the sovereign God purposes to do for and through His church. The Great Commission remains our mandate from Christ. The Church of God is to be:
- A movement committed to the authority of Holy Scripture for faith and direction.
- A fellowship whose worship brings God’s power into the life of the church and extends that power through the lives of believers into the marketplace of life.
- A body that is directed by the Spirit, fully understanding that baptism in the Holy Spirit is both a personal blessing and an endowment of power for witness and service in fulfilling the Great Commission.
- A people who hunger for God, experience the presence of God, and stand in awe of His holiness as He changes believers into conformity with Christ.
- A New Testament church which focuses on the local congregation where the pastor nurtures and leads all members to exercise spiritual gifts in ministry.
- A church that loves all people and stands opposed to any action or policy that discriminates against any group or individual because of race, color, or nationality.
- A movement that evidences love and concern for the hurts and loneliness of the unsaved through aggressive evangelistic, discipling, and nurturing ministries.
- A church that is Christ-centered, people-oriented, and need sensitive in all its programs and ministries.
- A movement that promotes policies and ministries which reflect an open, sincere effort to remain relevant to each generation.